
Final Reflection

What a semester! The first thing I would like to point out is that one of the things I enjoyed the most in this class, and I am saying this with great honesty, was learning so much about my classmates. I enjoyed getting the opportunity to view everyone’s creations, reading about their trials, likes, dislikes, but most importantly their feelings of accomplishment when they succeeded at using a tool they had thought they would not master. I especially enjoyed reading about the great ideas everyone had. I was truly amazed by everyone’s creativity and for every assignment, I found myself writing notes about the new ideas that everyone shared. The second thing I want to share is more of a confession. I have always been an advocate of technology. I am all for my students using technology in the classroom as much as they can, but as I went through the many modules for this class, I soon realized I was a big fraud. In my sixteen years of teaching experience, I have whole heartedly enc

Podcast: Research Paper Vs. Report

I was not new to creating podcasts, I had been tasked with creating a couple in previous classes. I must say that the first time I did have a bit of a problem because obviously, I had never created one and I ended up doing more steps than I needed to as I first recorded myself and then proceeded to download it unto the application that I used, which was Podbean. Not that that procees was difficult, because it really wasn't, it was just that like I said, I did more things than I needed to. Since I was already familiar with Podbean, I decided to use Podbean with this assignment as well. I can honestly say that it is incredibly simple. I created an account, which is free, and proceeded to downloading the app on my iPhone. So all you have to do is open the app, login, and click on the profile icon. which takes you to your profile. You click on a red microphone it has, and voila, you can start recording. If you are like me, you're gonna feel nervous and a bit iffy about recordin

Cartoons and Comics

Is it just me or do others get mini panick attacks every time we are asked to create something I have never created before? Maybe it's just me. Every time I think, this is it, this is the assignment that I will not be able to complete because I am not a computer whiz. But then once I start on the assignment, I feel as though I have worried and lost sleep over nothing. In creating these cartoons and comics, I would say that the hardest task was to come up with the topic. So needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised to see how these cartoons were so easy to make, well...easier than I expected them to be.  ToonDoo The first cartoon I created was using ToonDoo. When I first opened the site, I felt it was too busy. Too colorful (which was obviously expected being that it's a cartoon maker) with way too many options and I felt I did not know where to go, well, because I didn't know where to go! I panicked a bit, as I always do, but once I clicked on Create everythi

Videos and QR Codes in the Library

YouTube When it comes to implementing more resources to grab students’ attention in the classroom, we have a wide variety of resources that can be used. Whether it be web applications, videos, or programs, educators in today’s time have a huge advantage over educators of twenty years ago. However, selecting media as resources in the classroom can also bring disadvantages. Because of the vast amount of resources out there, selecting the most appropriate ones can be a tedious task of trial and error. When looking through the various channels of libraries, I found so much relevant information/material, yet I had very clear in my mind that I had to select a videos that would be  helpful for teachers and videos that would greatly benefit students. And that, is a difficult task bevies there are several factors that must be taken into consideration in making this selection. The NHS Library One of the videos I chose was How To Use EBSOCOHost for a simple reason. It is highly informati

How to Add Videos and Images to Blogs

C. C. Winn High School is my home campus and I absolutely LOVE being a Maverick. This is a picture taken last year when our football team made history and earned the Co-District Champions.  Believer by Coach Valero

Screencasts, Instagram, and Flipagram

Screencast- A couple of my professors at SHSU have incorporated How To Videos into their lessons and I always wondered what program they used. For some reason I thought it was something only accessible to professors, but what was I thinking? When I read up on what  Screencast-o-matic was, I was thrilled and concerned at the same time. For some reason I thought it was going to be difficult and not user friendly. I was quite pleasantly surprised to find that it was rather simple. And I love it! As a matter of fact, the screencast I created will be used by my students the next couple of weeks since we are about to start research paper. For the screencast I chose to do a tutorial, please be kind, this is the first time I do one! The tutorial is to show students how to navigate the resources that our school distsrict provides for our students free of charge. The first one I covered was Follet Destiny, our OPAC catalog. The second thing I covered was our access to Britannica Online which

Infographics: Piktochart

Upon reviewing different sites to create Infographics, I decided to choose Piktochart. I played around with the other options but found that for some reason, Piktochart seemed more user friendly and I felt as though it had more options. For my Infographic, the topic I selected from The Pew Research Center was Online Harassment. Within my Infographic I shared my views on the topic, as well as my views on the site itself. Here is the link to my Infographic on Piktochart: Online Harassment Piktochart