Infographics: Piktochart

Upon reviewing different sites to create Infographics, I decided to choose Piktochart. I played around with the other options but found that for some reason, Piktochart seemed more user friendly and I felt as though it had more options.

For my Infographic, the topic I selected from The Pew Research Center was Online Harassment. Within my Infographic I shared my views on the topic, as well as my views on the site itself.

Here is the link to my Infographic on Piktochart:


  1. Hello Josefita! I think you did a great job with the infographic (Piktochart) you created, you put so much into it to make everyone fully aware of the how Online Harassment has become a big problem and affects so many people. Overall you did a great job!
    I found Piktochart a little more difficult to use and navigate, it also did not have very many free templates to offer, many of the templates I was interested in had to be purchased. I decided to use Infogram, which I found fairly easy to use and navigate. I did like the charts available to put into the infograhic, even though it did take some time to understand how to use the chart and input the information I really liked Infogram. The web app that I found completely user-friendly was Easelly, this web app also had many templates available to use and offers many different backgrounds.

  2. I was eager to view your infographic because I decided to create mine using Easelly instead of Piktochart (Infogram did not appeal to me). Immediately, I was drawn in by your graphics and information. The survey results on 'Reactions and Attitudes Towards Harassment' was especially interesting. Great presentation. Thought-provoking information. I am glad you picked this topic!


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