Podcast: Research Paper Vs. Report

I was not new to creating podcasts, I had been tasked with creating a couple in previous classes. I must say that the first time I did have a bit of a problem because obviously, I had never created one and I ended up doing more steps than I needed to as I first recorded myself and then proceeded to download it unto the application that I used, which was Podbean. Not that that procees was difficult, because it really wasn't, it was just that like I said, I did more things than I needed to.

Since I was already familiar with Podbean, I decided to use Podbean with this assignment as well. I can honestly say that it is incredibly simple. I created an account, which is free, and proceeded to downloading the app on my iPhone. So all you have to do is open the app, login, and click on the profile icon. which takes you to your profile. You click on a red microphone it has, and voila, you can start recording. If you are like me, you're gonna feel nervous and a bit iffy about recording your voice (mine sounds awful in recording!) but if you are worried about messing up, which I was, there is no need to feel stressed about it because it allows you to pause, edit, and trim out stuff to continue recording on this, all in one podcast. You don't have to cut and paste from various recordings. The time limit per podcast is 90 minutes, so you can pretty much have your own episode on whatever topic you choose.

Once you are satisfied with your recording, you name it, you save it, and you are ready to save. Simple, huh? I did not try any other podcast apps, as I did not see it necessary since I already had this account, but I do most definitely highly recommend Podbean for it is easy to use and is extremely accessible.

Quite frankly, I had NOT considered implementing Podcasts in my classroom as my classes are not distance learning or online, but through this class I have gotten many ideas on how to implement different types of technology gadgets to make the class more interesting.

In the case of implementing podcasts into the classroom, when I talked to my students, who are seniors, they seemed genuinely interested in listening to this podcast because it is on a relevant topic of the assignment that they will be starting on Monday when we come back from Thanksgiving Break. So how can I use Podcasts in the classroom? I can do what I did here, students can listen to various lectures on relevant topics we are covering in class. In this case, this podcast is telling the difference between a report and a research paper. Other possible topics can be book talks, instructions on other assignments, and of course, the best one is definitely having THEM do a podcast on special projects and such. I am quite excited about using this method in my classrorom.

Now when we talk about the library, podcasts can be used as instructions on how to use various programs that are available through the library and also on doing interactive book talks.

Here is the link to my podcast:

Students didn’t know the difference between a research paper and a report so I created this to help them understand what their task will be.


  1. Hello Josie. I have used Podbean before as well, and it is surprisingly easy to use compared to some other types of podcasts software. I love your idea of using these for book talks in the library. This would be a simple app to show students how to use with very little effort.


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