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As to what I saw on a couple of school library pages, such as Mission High School Library, many of the posts are about school events, the team's football game updates and such. In addition, it hi-lights teachers and students at the campus to encourage others to visit the library. It focuses on particular books at a time, the one currently being Harry Potter. In a way, this is a great advantage to promote the different and special events that take place in the library. I can see myself doing this to encourage the visits of patrons and to advertise books of the months and such. I feel this is a great way to promote new acquisitions or suggestions. However, a setback I believe to be is that it is quite easy to get carried way and just post news that have little or nothing to do with the library itself. I believe that if that aspect of it is kept under check, then there shouldn't be a problem with any of this. 


Kathy Schrock @kathyschrock

The following are a couple of links she included on her Twitter which lead to one, her website, in which quite a few information can be found on educational information. The response she has is quite positive since the information she shares can be proven to be rather useful.

Kathy's Katch of the Month
Her Website

Linda Braun @lbraun2000

I can honestly say that I was overwhelmed while looking through Linda Braun's Twitter because of all the information she passes along. It took me a bit to go through the first links and I had to drag myself away from it because I couldn't stop myself. She shares numerous Tweets by @YALSA in an attempt to keep her followers informed in matteres of library maintance and web information.

David Warlick @dwarlick

One of the things that I liked about his Twitter account is that he asks for his followers input when he is working on something and that says a lot about him. He is trying to create functionable programs that will not hinder anyone's learning and that will be made accessible to all types of people. In addition, he shares his YouTube playlist and the videos he shares are absolutely intersting.


The Darling Librarian @GwynethJones

What I enjoyed the most was her book suggestions. Sometimes we are stumped and have read so much, and perhaps a lot of that has been not of our highest interest and we read it because, well, we enjoy reading. When you find an individual with an open mind and perhaps the same taste in literature as you, or at least a bit similar, you want to pay attention to what they have to say about books because they might be on to something. The Darling Librarian shares a lot of suggestions with her followers and I think that is pretty great.

Jim Lerman @jimlerman

His primary focus is technology and I found his Scoop It to be very helpful. I suppose the response it receives depends on how advanced the person is in the world of technology but I feel his presentations are quite helpful.

Scoop It

I found most the ed tech leaders to have one thing in common, their purpose is to INFORM their followers and they manage to do so by sharing, or in this case, retweeting relevant information that will keept heir audiences informed. I found this to be of extreme importance because the world of information is constantly changing and the more in touch we are of what is out there, especially for librarians, the more successful the programs we will be running will be. 


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