
Showing posts from October, 2017

How to Add Videos and Images to Blogs

C. C. Winn High School is my home campus and I absolutely LOVE being a Maverick. This is a picture taken last year when our football team made history and earned the Co-District Champions.  Believer by Coach Valero

Screencasts, Instagram, and Flipagram

Screencast- A couple of my professors at SHSU have incorporated How To Videos into their lessons and I always wondered what program they used. For some reason I thought it was something only accessible to professors, but what was I thinking? When I read up on what  Screencast-o-matic was, I was thrilled and concerned at the same time. For some reason I thought it was going to be difficult and not user friendly. I was quite pleasantly surprised to find that it was rather simple. And I love it! As a matter of fact, the screencast I created will be used by my students the next couple of weeks since we are about to start research paper. For the screencast I chose to do a tutorial, please be kind, this is the first time I do one! The tutorial is to show students how to navigate the resources that our school distsrict provides for our students free of charge. The first one I covered was Follet Destiny, our OPAC catalog. The second thing I covered was our access to Britannica Online which

Infographics: Piktochart

Upon reviewing different sites to create Infographics, I decided to choose Piktochart. I played around with the other options but found that for some reason, Piktochart seemed more user friendly and I felt as though it had more options. For my Infographic, the topic I selected from The Pew Research Center was Online Harassment. Within my Infographic I shared my views on the topic, as well as my views on the site itself. Here is the link to my Infographic on Piktochart: Online Harassment Piktochart