
Showing posts from December, 2017

Final Reflection

What a semester! The first thing I would like to point out is that one of the things I enjoyed the most in this class, and I am saying this with great honesty, was learning so much about my classmates. I enjoyed getting the opportunity to view everyone’s creations, reading about their trials, likes, dislikes, but most importantly their feelings of accomplishment when they succeeded at using a tool they had thought they would not master. I especially enjoyed reading about the great ideas everyone had. I was truly amazed by everyone’s creativity and for every assignment, I found myself writing notes about the new ideas that everyone shared. The second thing I want to share is more of a confession. I have always been an advocate of technology. I am all for my students using technology in the classroom as much as they can, but as I went through the many modules for this class, I soon realized I was a big fraud. In my sixteen years of teaching experience, I have whole heartedly enc